Between UPSC CSE Prelims and Mains of every year, you hardly get 2.5 months for your preparation and in which you need to prepare for nine papers that will be conducted within a span of a week. Meaning you need to be ready to face each and every consequence without failure. Hence, time is ticking and it is no less than a time bomb. Connect with Piyush Kumar Sir who will ensure that you have the right set of tools and utilities that can help you grab 300+ in your History Optional paper. Understand those core issues where you need to focus more to ensure you are not lagging in any of the questions that comes before you and not let you go into the awestruck mode. Absorb the confidence that you need before finding your name in the list of those who will appear for the Personality Test.
Salient Features of the Course
- Total 4 Mock Tests
- One on One Discussion after Copy Evaluation for Marks Improvment
- Detailed Model Answer Hints
- Personalised Mentorship
- Mapping material will be provided