History Optional : PYQs

Historiography Based

1. How did early Indian historical tradition, as reflected in Itihasa-Purana, emerge? What are the distinctive features of this genre? [2018, 20 Marks]

2. Discuss the changing approaches to the study of early Indian history. [2006, 60m]

Archaeological Sources

1. Do you agree that archaeological evidence often helps in the better understanding of literary sources? Comment. [2019, 15 Marks]

2. Art and culture are reflected to a far greater extent than political history in the epigraphic sources. Comment. [2017, 15 Marks]

3. “Reconstruction of Early Indian history is hardly possible without the help of inscriptions and coins.” Discuss. [2007, 60m]

4. Assess the pattern of settlement, economy, social organization and religion of India during 2000 to 500 BC from archaeological evidences. [2003, 60m]

Literary Sources

1. How far can the ancient Indian Sruti literature be used as historical sources? [2015, 15m]

2. Evaluate the contribution of the Puranas in disseminating secular knowledge among the masses in ancient India. [2013, 15m]

Foreign Accounts

1. “While using the accounts of foreign writers, historians must distinguish between statements based on hearsay and those grounded in perceptive observations.” Elaborate with examples. [2014, 15m]

2. In what ways are the accounts of the Graeco Romans and the Chinese helpful in reconstructing the social history of India? How far is their information corroborated by other Contemporary sources? [2009, 60m]

Theme Based

1. “The copious references to the preservation of Varnashrama system by the kings eulogized in inscriptions are mere reflection of the Smriti tradition.” Discuss. [2016, 15 Marks]

2. Critically evaluate the theory and practise of land revenue system in ancient India. [2016, 20 Marks]

3. Evaluate the ownership of land in ancient India on the basis of literary and epigraphic sources. [2013, 15m]

4. On the basis of contemporary sources assess the nature of banking and usury in ancient India. [2013, 15m]

5. Discuss the types of lands and the Science of agriculture mentioned in the literature and epigraphs of ancient India. [2011, 20m]

6. What light do early inscriptions and literature throw on the status of women in politico socio-economic spheres? [2010, 60m]

7. Assess the status of women in India from c. 4th century BC to c. 6th century AD. [2005, 60m]

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