History Optional : PYQs

Polity and Administration

1. The Chola rulers were not only mighty conquerors, effi cient administrators but also builders of fi ne temples.” Comment. [2021, 15 marks]

2. “Doubtless it was not a free state; it was any rate a state” (K A N Sastri). Reflect upon the nature of local self-government institutions in the Chola country. [2018, 15 Marks]

3. How could the local self-government under the Cholas adjust with their centralized administration structure? [2015, 10m]

4. Give an account of the rise of the Chalukyas of Vatapi and their struggle with other rulers. Write a note on their patronage of arts. [2004, 60m]

5. “The inferior cavalry of the Rajputs was not the only cause of their defeat at the hands of Turko- Afghans and Mughal.” Comment. [2001, 60m]

6. Did the triangular conflict between the Rashtrakutas, Gujara Pratiharas and Palas create a political vacuum in northern India which facilitated the invasions of Mahmud of Ghazni? [2001, 60m]

7. Give an account of the struggle for supremacy in South India between the Chalukyas of Badami and the Pallavas. [2000, 60m]

Institutions of temple and temple architecture

1. Describe the evolution and development of regional temple architecture of South India with special reference to Pallavas. [2020, 20 Marks]

2. Trace the origin and development of temple architecture in India with reference to regional styles and variations. [2017, 20 Marks]

3. How did the temples of South India, as fi nancial institutions, have deep impact on the social institutions of early medieval period? Critically examine. [2016, 15 Marks]

4. Kailasa Temple built at Ellora marks the culmination of rock-cut architecture in India. Elucidate. [2015, 15m]

5. Analyse the vibrant cultural activities in peninsular India during 550-750 CE. Compare and contrast it with the situation in contemporary North India. [2012, 30m]

6. Assess Ellora as a unique art centre of the different cultural streams. [2011, 20m]

7. Bring out the regional variations in the early South Indian Temple’s architectural styles. [2009, 60m]

Growth of art and architecture, religious sects, Institution of temple and Mathas, Agraharas, education and literature, economy and society

1. Discuss the relationship between emergence of literature in vernacular language and formation of regional identities in early medieval India.[2021,15 marks]

2. Trace and identify the changing pattern of Tantrism in Ancient India with examples. [2020, 15 Marks]

3. Assess the educational system in early India and identify important educational institutions of the period. [2012, 30m]

Tamil Bhakit movement, Shankaracharya

1. “Utpanna dravide bhaktih, Karnatevriddhimagata I Sthita kinchit maharashtre gurjare jirnatamgata II”Padmapurana. Account for the emergence of bhakti in Dravidadesa. [2018, 15 Marks]

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