History Optional : PYQs


1. Critically evaluate the Muslim Nobility during the period of Tughlaq dynasty. [2020, 10 marks]

2. Analyse the social composition and the role of nobility under the successors of Iltutmish. How did it affect the contemporary politics? [2012, 30 marks]


1. Describe the new architecture features added by successive Sultans in the construction of Tombs in India. [2018, 20 marks]

2. Do you think that the economic measures introduced by the Sultanate rulers were beneficial to the common people as well? Illustrate with examples. [2016, 20 marks]

3. Trace the technological and stylistic development in the architecture of the Sultanate period. [2014, 15 marks]

4. Critically evaluate the educational development during Sultanate period. [2013, 15 marks]


1. How did international trade support urbanisation in North India during the 13-14th century CE. [2020, 10 marks]

2. Some new crafts productions were introduced by the Turks. Comment. [2020, 15 marks]

3. Delineate the state of agriculture during Sultanate period. [2019, 15 marks]

4. Discuss the advancement made in Textile Technology under the Delhi Sultans. [2018, 10 Marks]

5. Delineate non—agricultural production and urban economy in the 13th and 14th centuries C.E. [2017, 20 marks]

6. Discuss in brief the land-revenue system and judicial administration of the Delhi Sultanate. [2015, 15 marks]

7. Evaluate the conditions of industries in India from 1200 to 1500 CE. [2013, 20 marks]

8. Evaluate critically the conditions of labour from 1200 to 1500 CE on the basis of historical sources. [2013, 15 marks]

9. Examine the increasing importance of maritime trade of India during thirteenth to fifteenth centuries. [2010, 30 marks]

10. Identify the main factors that sustained the expansion of urban economy in the Delhi Sultanate. [2009, 30 marks]

Persian Literature

1. Identify the different categories of Persian Literature which emerged during Delhi Sultanate.[ 2021, 10 marks]

2. Evaluate the contents of the Tabaqat-i-Nasiri as a source of medieval history. [2016, 10 marks]

3. Give a critical assessment of the contributions of Amir Khusarau and Barani to Indo – Persian Literature. [2009, 30 marks]

4. Write a short essay on: “Amir Khusrau was an eminent poet not a historian.” [2000, 20 marks]

Rise of Provincial Dynasties: Bengal, Kashmir (Zainul Abedin), Gujarat

1. Assess the rule of Zainul Abedin in Kashmir. [2019, 10 marks]

2. Evaluate Jonaraja’s account of the reign of Zain-ul- Abidin. [2016, 10 marks]

3. Assess the Lekhapaddhati as an important source for evaluating the society and economy of the thirteenth century CE with special reference to Gujarat. [2013, 15 marks]

4. Discuss the state of society and economy of the Bahmani kingdom as gleaned from historical sources. [2013, 10 marks]

Malwa, Bahmanids

1. Describe village polity and economy of medieval Deccan. [2020, 15 marks]

2. Assess the contribution of Firoz Shah Bahamani and Mahmud Gawan in the field of education. [2016, 15 marks]

3. Write a short essay on: “The Bahmani Kingdom” [2007, 20 marks]

4. Write a short essay on: “The Bahmani kingdom” [2005, 20 marks]

The Vijayanagra Empire

1. Describe in details about the foreign travellers’ accounts which gave information of Vijayanagar kingdom. [2020, 10 marks]

2. Amuktamalyada dwells much upon the relationship of fort, Brahmanas and dispersed tribal groups. Comment. [2020, 15 marks]

3. Do you agree that convergence of political vacuum and impact of Islamicate culture and polity in peninsular India has much to do with the growth of Vijayanagara kingdom? [2018, 15 marks]

4. Evaluate the accounts of foreign travellers about the Vijayanagar Empire. [2017, 10 marks]

5. Mention the salient features of the polity of Vijayanagara Empire under Krishnadevaraya. [2015, 10 marks]

6. To what extent is ‘Segmentary State’ model relevant for defining the Vijayanagar State? Critically examine. [2014, 20 marks]

7. On the basis of contemporary sources evaluate the system of agriculture and irrigation of the Vijayanagar kingdom. [2013, 15 marks]

8. Discuss the social dynamics in the Vijayanagara Empire. [2010, 20 marks]


1. Give your assessment of Bahlul Lodi’s relation with his nobility. [2021, 15 marks]

Mughal Empire, First phase: Babur and Humayun

1. Examine the causes of Babur’s success against Ibrahim Lodi in the First Battle of Panipat. [ 2021, 10 marks]

2. Comment on the Turko-Mongol theory of sovereignty. To what extent was it adopted by Babur and Humayun? [2010, 30 marks]

The Sur Empire: Sher Shah’s Administration

1. Evaluate the contribution of Sher Shah towards trade and commerce, administration and agricultural reforms. [2020, 15 marks]

Portuguese Colonial Enterprise

1. How was cartaz system used by the Portuguese to maintain their control over the oceanic trade? [2014, 10 marks]

2. Write a short essay on: “Significance of the arrival of the Portuguese in India.” [2008, 20 marks]

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