History Optional : PYQs

Polity: Major political Developments in Northern India and the Peninsula, origin and the rise of Rajputs

1. “The inferior cavalry of the Rajputs was not the only cause of their defeat at the hands of Turko-Afghans and Mughal.” Comment. [2001, 60 marks]

The Cholas: Administration, Village Economy and Society

1. “The Chola rulers were not only mighty conquerors, effcient administrators but also builders of fine temples.” Comment. [ 2021,15 marks]

2. Analyze the significance of the Uttaramerur inscriptions of the Chola King Parantaka I. [2016, 10 marks]

3. Evaluating various theories regarding the Chola State, throw light on its village assemblies. [2014, 15 marks]

4. Evaluate the role of nadu and nagaram in the growth of urbanisation under the Cholas. [2012, 30 marks]

5. Assess the contribution of the Cholas in the expansion of Indian culture outside India. [2011, 30 marks]

6. How far can the village assemblies or communities under the Cholas be really called democratic? [2009, 30 marks]

7. Show that the administrative system in India reached a very high level during the Chola period. [2007, 60 marks]

8. The Cholas are said to have established a strong and well organized administration with an element of self- government at the local level. Do you agree? Give reasons. [2004, 60 marks]

9. Were the Chola village assemblies democratic in nature? Give reasons for your answer. [2000, 60 marks]

Indian Feudalism

1. Discuss different stages of Indian feudalism and analyse its impact on the Indian political system. [ 2021, 10 marks]

2. Explain the ingredients of the transitory nature of the early medieval India. [2016, 15 Marks]

3. What kind of changes were visualized by historians on Indian feudalism? Examine critically. [2012, 30 marks]

4. Write a short essay on: “Applicability of the term ‘Indian Feudalism’ to early Medieval Society.” [2009, 20 marks]

5. Write a short essay on: “The Samanta System” [2006, 20 marks]

Agrarian economy and urban sefl lements

1. Do the evidences of land ownership at our disposal support the theory of the prevalence of feudalism in early medieval India? [2015, 15 marks]

2. Critically analyse the agricultural economy from 750 to 1200 CE. [2014, 10 marks]

3. Evaluate the socio-economic conditions from the Gupta Period to 1200 C.E. as gleaned from the various types of grants or danashasana. [2011, 60 marks]

Trade and Commerce

1. To what extent ‘monetary anaemia’ affected the erstwhile commercial economy during the early medieval period? [2010, 30 makrs]

Society: the status of the Brahman and the new social order; Condition of women

1. Critically analyze the changing nature of caste and gender relations during the early medieval period. [2018, 15 Marks]

2. Write a short essay on: “Social structure of the Rajputs.” [1998, 20m]

Philosophy: Skankaracharya and Vedanta, Ramanuja and Vishishtadvaita, Madhva and Brahma Mimansa

1. Assess the statement that ‘the philosophy of Shankaracharya revolutionized religious thoughts in India.’ [2019, 20 marks]

2. “The Advaita doctrine of Shankara cut at the very root of Bhaktivada.”Do you agree? [2016, 15 marks]

3. Write a short essay on: “The Vedanta of Sankaracharya” [2001, 20 marks]

Religion: Forms and features of religion, Tamil devotional cult, Islam and its arrival in India

1. “Tantrism, if not in practice, at last on conception level challenged patriarchy.” Examine Tantrism specially keeping in mind the above context. [2015, 10 marks]

2. What are the manifestations of Tamil devotional cults? How do you account for their growth between C. 750 and C. 1200 CE? [2008, 60 marks]

Literature: Literature in Sanskrit, growth of Tamil literature, literature in the newly developing languages, Kalhan’s Rajtarangini, Alberuni’s India

1. Do you consider the Rajatarangini of Kalhana to be a reliable source of the political history of Kashmir? Why? [2017, 10 marks]

2. Comment on the veracity of Alberuni’s account of the Indian society. [2016, 10 marks]

3. Evaluate the ‘Kitab al-Hind’ of Alberuni as a source of history of India. [2014, 15 marks]

4. Evaluate Rajtarangini as a source of history. [2012, 10 marks]

5. Assess Kalhana’s views on History. [2009, 20 marks]

6. Write a short essay on: “Alberuni on science in India” [2007, 20 marks]

7. Attempt a critical essay of the Indian Science and Civilization in the light of Alberuni’s writings. What merits and drawbacks, do you find in his account? [2003, 60 marks]

8. Write a short essay on: “Kalhan as a historian” [2003, 20 marks]

Art and Architecture: Temple architecture, sculpture, Painting

1. The 11th-12th centuries C.E. saw eventful progression in the cultural history of India. Discuss. [2017, 10 marks]

2. Give a brief account of the early medieval temple architecture of Kashmir. [2015, 10 marks]

3. Why is Mamallapuram famous? [2015, 10 marks]

4. Discuss the Caurapancashika and Jain styles of paintings. Can the Caurapancashika style truly be called the precursor of pothi format? [2012, 10 marks]

5. How far do you agree with the view that temples in early medieval period were catalysts in spreading education? [2010, 30 marks]

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