History Optional : PYQs

Persian histories and other Literature

1. Evaluate the aim and impact of the translation of Sanskrit scriptures into Persian language during Mughal period. [2020, 10 marks]

2. Examine the status of Sanskrit in Mughal India. [2019, 10 marks]

3. How does Tuzuk-i-Babri testify that Babar had been a cultures man? [2015, 10 marks]

4. Provide a comparative analysis of the development of Arabic and Persian historiography. [2010, 20 marks]

5. Write a short essay on: “Babarnama as a source of history.” [2002, 20 marks]

Hindi and other Religious Literature

1. Discuss the literature written in Hindi in Mughal India. [2018, 10 marks]

2. Write a short Essay on the development of Literature during Mughal Period. [2006, 60 marks]

Mughal Architecture

1. Examine the basic features of Mughal tomb architecture with special reference to the Taj Mahal. [2021, 20 marks]

2. The Mughals built like Titans and embellished like jewellers. Comment. [2019, 15 marks]

3. “The art of building was carried to highest degree of perfection under Shahjahan”. Illustrate by giving architecture details of two of his most celebrated buildings. [2018, 15 marks]

4. Explain the principal features of architecture during Akbar’s rule. What changes were made in them by Shahjahan? [2002, 60 marks]

5. Write a short essay on: “The zenith of Mughal architecture under Shahjehan” [2001, 20 marks]

Mughal Painting

1. Make an estimate of the development of paintings under Mughal rulers with special reference to colours, technique, themes and influences on them. [2020, 15 marks]

2. Examine the European impact on Mughal paintings. [2019, 10 marks]

3. “Mughal paintings reflect social harmony in contemporary society.” Discuss. [2017, 15 marks]

4. Delineate the development of the Mughal painting during the reign of Jahangir. [2016, 10 marks]

5. Mughal paintings reflect the contemporary socio-political conditions. - Discuss. [2011, 30 marks]

6. Write a short Essay on: “Mughal painting” [2007, 20 marks]

7. Write a short Essay on: “Mughal painting” [2007, 20 marks]

8. Write a short essay on: “During the reign of Jahangir Mughal painting reached its zenith.” [2000, 20 marks]

Science and Technology

1. Assess the development of Science and Technology in the Mughal period. [2013, 20 marks]

2. What was the Indian response to European Technology? [2010, 30 marks]

3. Write a short essay on: “Sawai Jai Singh, the astronomer” [2001, 20 marks]

The 18th Century Debate

1. What are the distinguishing components of the debate on “The Eighteenth Century”? [2008, 60 marks]

2. How would you like to characterize the eighteenth century in Indian history? [2005, 60 marks]

Factors for the decline of the Mughal Empire

1. It was as much the court intrigues as also the defiance of the provincial powers that hastened the decline of the Mughals in the 15th century. Comment. [2019, 20 marks]

2. “The Afghan invasions in the Eighteenth Century not only signified the military irrelevance of the Mughal Empire but also hastened its decline”. Explain. [2018, 15 marks]

3. Do you think that the agrarian crisis of the 17th century led to the disintegration of the Mughal empire? Discuss. [2016, 20 marks]

The regional principalities: Nizam’s Deccan, Bengal, Awadh

1. How far is it justified to consider the states like Bengal, Awadh and Hyderabad as ‘successor states’ of the Mughal State? [ 2021, 20 marks]

2. Was it the weakening of the Mughal empire or the rise of regional powers that led to the British conquest of India? Discuss. [2016, 15 marks]

3. Discuss the causes of the rise and growth of regional kingdoms with special reference to Deccan in the 18th century. [2011, 30 marks ]

Maratha ascendancy under the Peshwas

1. How will you view the Maratha policy of expansion? Delineate. [2017, 20 marks]

2. Is it true that the court intrigues and weak revenue system led to the collapse of the Maratha empire? Comment. [2016, 15 marks]

3. Compare the Peshwas’ bureaucratic management with that of the Imperial Mughal administration. [2015, 10 marks]

4. Write a short answer on: “Structure and role of the Maratha Confederacy.” [1987, 20 marks]

The Maratha fiscal and financial system

1. Write a short answer on: “Chauth and Sardeshmukhi of the Maratha rulers.” [2007, 20 marks]

2. Write a short essay on: “The system of the collection of Chauth and Sardeshmukhi by the Maratha rulers.” [2004, 20 marks]

3. Write a short essay on: “Chauth and Sardeshmukhi” [2003, 20 marks]

Emergence of Afghan Power, Bafl le of Panipat, 1761

1. How was the Afghan nobility responsible for the decline of the Afghan Empire? Discuss. [2012, 30 marks]

2. Write a short essay on: “Consequences of the Third Battle of Panipat.” [2002, 20 marks]

State of politics, culture and economy on the eve of the British conquest

1. Critically evaluate history of the Eighteenth century India with reference to culture and economy. [2020, 20 marks]


1. The political disintegration was responsible for the socio—economic decline in India during the 18th century.” Comment [2017, 20 marks]

2. “The Battle of Plassey that decided the fate of Bengal was won by Clive through intrigues.” Explain. [2014, 15 marks]

Bhakti and Sufi Movements

1. Discuss the attitude of Chisti saints towards the state. How were the Shuharawardi saints different in their attitude towards government? [ 2021, 10 marks]

2. The mission of Kabir was to preach a religion of love which would unite all castes and creeds. Explain. [2020, 20 marks]

3. Sufi and Bhakti thoughts ennobled Indian psyche amidst the vagaries of time. Elucidate. [2019, 15 marks]

4. What was the role of Sufi Folk literature in the diffusion of Islam in India in general and Deccan in particular. [2018, 15 marks]

5. “Bhakti and Sufi movements served the same social purpose.” Discuss. [2017, 15 marks]

6. Why should the sixteenth century be regarded as the period of Indian Renaissance? [2015, 15m]

7. “Sufis and medieval mystic saints failed to modify either the religious ideas and practices or the outward structure of Islamic/Hindu societies to any appreciable extent.” Comment for/against. [2015, 10 marks]

8. Evaluate the contribution of Vaishnava saints to the growth of medieval Bhakti literature. [2014, 10 marks]

9. Evaluate the Malfuzat texts sources of medieval history. [2013, 10 marks]

10. Discuss and evaluate critically various trends in the historiography of Bhakti. [2013, 15 marks]

11. Bhakti and mysticism of Lal Ded emerged as a social force in Kashmir. Comment. [2013, 10m]

12. Assess the contribution of the Acharyas in the development of the ideological basis of Bhakti. [2012, 10 marks]

13. “The tenets of Hindu and Muslim mystics were similar enough that the ground was ripe for syncretic movements involving adherents of both religious.” Elucidate. [2007, 60 marks]

14. Write a short essay on: “Sufism in North India” [2006, 20 marks]

15. “The tenets of Hindu and Muslim mystics were similar enough that the ground was ripe for syncretic movements involving adherents of both religious.” Elucidate. [2005, 60 marks]

16. Write a short essay on: “Chaitanyadeva and Vaishnavism” [2005, 20 marks]

17. Discuss the growth of the Niguna School of Bhakti Movement emphasising the contribution of Kabir and Nanak to it. [2004, 60 marks]

18. Write a short essay on: “Sufi Movements” [2003, 20 marks]

19. What impact did Kabir and Nanak leave on Indian Society and Culture? [2003, 60 marks]

20. Write a short essay on: “Origin of the Bhakti Movement” [2002, 20 marks]

21. Evaluate the impact of the Sufi and Bhakti Movements on vernacular languages and life and thought of the common people. [2001, 60 marks]

22. Write a short essay on: “The Sufi Movement and its role in promoting communal harmony.” [2000, 20 marks]

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